Monday, August 15, 2011

Kindergarten Update

As we begin week four of Kindergarten, I would just like to update everyone on the progress that has been made since day one.

The major focus of our days have been school, classroom, and hallway procedures. We have been working diligently on walking in a line while going down the hallways. When doing this, the students know they must stand one behind the other with their "quite sticks" up. This is something that has taken lots of practice. We have taken multiple tours of the building just to give us a chance to practice walking in the hallways. We are also working every day on raising our hand when we have something to say or a question to ask... this also comes with waiting until you are called on before speaking. The students are aware that they must wait their turn and if Sarah is called on... and their name isn't Sarah, then it is not their turn YET.
As a class, we came up with five classroom rules. We read them together everyday...and sometimes twice a day if needed.

The classroom rules are:

  1. I will keep my hands and body to myself.
  2. I will use nice words when talking to my friends and teachers.
  3. I will have my listening ears ready.
  4. I will share with my friends.
  5. I will wait until I am called on to speak.
In ELA, we have begun incorporating workstations. The students work in groups of five and rotate between four stations in fifteen minute intervals. The workstations consist of a Ms. Neuman group that has a guided reading group, a Mrs. Harper group that is working on correct letter formation, a group on the carpet that works with magnetic boards and magnetic letters where they recreate environmental text on their magnetic boards, and a station at the green table where the students have been working on the cutting skills. They use scissors and a worksheet that has various zig zag lines, and they have to cut on the lines. The activities at these stations will change weekly. 

In math, we began with number recognition and counting with one to one correspondence. We just recently began addition with manipulatives and will continue with addition for the next few weeks.

The five senses are being studied in science. We have done some interesting experiments; including using our five senses with a tiny bit of caffeine free soda. We saw the color and bubbles. We felt that it was cold and wet. We heard fizzing. We smelt it, and decided it smelled like... soda. We tasted it and said it taste cold going into our tummy, delicious, scrumptious... and of course, tasted like soda.

For social studies, the students have welcomed Mrs. Stinnett into our classroom. She has been teaching the students about various community helpers. We had an adorable dress up day where each student dressed as a community helper that they felt was important. They shared with the class why this helper was so important to have in our community. We had some very cute responses!

Thank you very much for the opportunity to work with your children! I am truly loving every day in the Kindergarten class.

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